Friday, November 22, 2019

What to Feed Chickens

When deciding what to feed chickens, you must take into account their age and your goal for your chickens. Feeding chickens that are going to be egg producers require a different feed than chickens that are for meat production.

What to Feed Chickens

Feeding Baby Chicks
Baby chicks should always start out on chick starter that is 20-22% protein for egg producers, and up to 24% protein for meat chickens. Chick starter should be used until the age of 6-9 weeks, depending on the breed of chicken and how quickly it matures. Meat chickens should then go on “broiler finish” grain until they are ready to slaughter.

If you are raising meat chickens you should choose chicken feed that has antibiotics to prevent Coccidiosis. This is also a good idea for any chicken unless you are planning to sell products that are “free range” or “organic”.

Raising your own meat chickens may not be the most pleasant thing about raising chickens, but it prevents your family from ingesting the hormone load given to commercial chickens to increase the growth rate and size.

Adult Chickens
Once the chickens are ready to go on adult feed, you should choose feed that is 14 % protein. Calcium is super important in laying hens and in extra-large breeds like Jersey Giants that need strong bones to hold their weight.

Adult chicken feed comes in pellets, crumbles, mash and scratch. The way to get the most balanced diet in the chickens is to mix some scratch in with pellets or crumbles, and supplement with vegetables and calcium.

You can supplement your chicken’s calcium intake by using clean, crushed egg shells in their feed. They will eat what they need if it is available.

Veggies and Peelings
Leftover veggies like spinach, Romain, carrot peels, apple peelings, and whole grains like oatmeal, barley, and small amounts of fruit make your chickens healthier and happier. Just remember this is a supplement to chicken feed, not a replacement. They must have the protein and other nutrients provided by the chicken feed unless they are totally free range in a very nutritious environment.

Just remember that as long as it is fresh it can go to your chickens instead of down the garbage disposal, as long as it is not a meat product.

Chicken Mobiles
A chicken tractor gives you the versatility to move your flock from place to place in your yard. This keeps the vegetation, available bugs, and grit fresh and the chickens interested. This is a good method if you don’t have the room for free range, or need to protect your chickens from daytime predators.

This also keeps your yard from getting brown areas where the chickens scratch to find morsels.

Beware of using pesticides and fertilizers in any area where your chickens might feed. They are not picky when pecking at granules on the ground and can easily poison themselves and your eggs.

They can also become poisoned from grass and plants where you have used weed killers or spray (water soluble) fertilizers. Remember that whatever goes into your chickens will go into your eggs. Pesticides and chemicals can show up in your eggs before the chicken shows any sign of illness.

If done properly, your home grown chickens and eggs will provide wonderful nutrition for you and your family. When you feed chickens well they will provide you with years of fresh eggs every day.



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