Friday, November 15, 2019

DIY Cheap Chicken Coops

DIY Cheap Chicken Coops is aimed at the person who has an interest in undertaking the venture as a hands-on project and so save money. By involving the family, unity is created and an activity undertaken whereby the children benefit from the experience in a myriad of ways. The end result is not only the self satisfaction of building a worthwhile asset but the rewards for the entire household having Farm Fresh organic wholesome eggs on a regular basis is also not to be overlooked.

DIY Cheap Chicken Coops

Having decided that you would like to build yourself a chicken coop, and, you don’t want to spend a lot of money, before you rush into this project a little prior investigation and research could be of huge benefit in the long run and save you many heart aches later. But you have already commenced on the initial investigation, as that is how you came to this site – so good on you!

Building a backyard chicken coop and doing the work your self has many benefits:
  • The self satisfaction when the project is complete.
  • The money you will save by Doing It Yourself.
  • If the children are involved it becomes a family affair and it gets the kids outdoors, as well as teaching them about animal husbandry and something they can brag about to their friends and school mates.
  • The ultimate prize – absolutely fresh wholesome eggs which are free of chemicals – a truly organic experience!
First, check with the local authorities to find out if you are permitted to keep chickens in your locality. Your neighbours may already have done this if there are others keeping chickens. Ask your immediate neighbours if they have any objections to you having a chicken coop, it is best to get this thing sorted out before you start spending time and money.

If all is in order to this stage decide on the type of chicken coop you would like and how many hens would suit your requirements for fresh eggs. You could start with a small very portable unit or a slightly bigger one with wheels – often called a chicken house tractor. And then there are the various sizes of permanently constructed chook houses. Obviously the size of your block and the area you can allocate is going to influence this aspect. Keep in mind that chickens naturally like to get out and scratch around in the dirt and at the same time they can assist in controlling some of the unwanted garden pests like various bugs and grasshoppers and even weeds. But be careful to not let them near your veggie patch or flower gardens as they will demolish these in a very short space of time!

Decide on the materials that are cheaply available in the area and are within the budget you have allocated to this project. As you do not want to build an eyesore you obviously need a plan. There are heaps of plans available on the internet, but I must admit I found this one – Chicken DIY Guide a very good deal as it not only provides plans for what ever size chicken coop you want to build, but gives excellent notes and instructions for keeping and feeding chickens, building to keep out predators and vermin, cleaning and maintenance and so on, so that you end up with happy healthy chickens which provide your household with fresh wholesome eggs on a regular basis. But the guide goes even further by providing information on rearing chickens and even incubating and associated chicken husbandry methods, should you wish to develop your hobby to the next level!

So get out have lots of fun, enjoy the experience and reap the superb benefits from your DIY Cheap Chicken Coops.



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