Chickens Can Eat Almost Everything, Even Meat!
Chickens like eating. They will eat almost anything organic. You can give them your dog's food and they’ll peck it. You can actually give them any food and they’ll eat it without hesitation. They are the perfect garbage cleaners and will consume almost any leftovers of food. They will also wipe out every insect, worm, or anything alike. Chickens that can walk around free in the field like any other wild hen don't even need you to feed them. The good thing about raising chickens in your backyard is that it needs no real feeding qualifications, you just need to follow some simple instructions.
How to Feed Your Chickens
You can feed your chicken in many ways. The common way is to put it in a container in the chicken coop that is big and wide enough to accommodate their number during feeding. This way you can easily see how much they eat, and when you need to refill. Scattering their food is another way and you don't need to worry that it will go to waste and remain scattered - they will eat it all. Chickens likes small pieces of bones and meat, a high protein diet is healthy for your chickens and they will lay more eggs, but do not over do, too much meat can cause your chickens deadly diseases.
Hens laying eggs needs calcium in their diet. During the period when laying season is on its peak, you can feed your chickens with calcium just by including in their food crushed clam shells. They will even eat crushed eggs shells. Crushed shells are available in your local feed stores.
As chickens will eat almost anything, keep in mind that not all foods are good for them. Some foods can be harmful and some can be deadly. The best foods for your chickens are feeds, pellets, corn and grains, and these can be found at your local feed store, and you can easily find chickens food merchants online. Some fruits and vegetables are also great and can be given out as well. Try to have control on your chickens diet and don't feed them with garbage, as it may include harmful food or non-organic pieces of metal or nylon.
Examples for fruits and vegetables that are not advisable to give to your chickens:
- Apple: One apple given to 4 chickens is fine, but do it only once a week at max. Too much may cause digestive problems.
- Peelings of Potato: Most likely your chickens won't touch it. Chickens don’t really like eating roots crops and will do it only when very hungry.
- Tomato: Chicken will love it but let them have it in small quantities, an excess might affect the chicken’s droppings.
- Banana: For some unknown reason, chickens don’t like bananas.
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