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Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2019

Tips On Raising Chickens During The Winter And Summer Periods

Chickens may look fragile, but they can survive the elements, and weather almost any weather. If only all chickens were the same. Here are tips on raising chicken come hot or cold.

Tips On Raising Chickens During The Winter And Summer Periods

Though some could take the winter cold, others love the summer sun. It really depends on the kind of weather you have where you live, and on your choice of what kind of chicken to buy. You don't want to buy chicken you plan to raise, only to see them perish under the weather.

Raising Chickens Come Winters
When winder or cold weather comes, avoid the impulse to warm up your chickens just because you don't want them to freeze, or catch a cold. If you do, you'd probably see them stiff and warm and dead by sunrise. Just so you know, chickens can adapt to extremely cold weather. This is because their bodies' metabolism changes as the cold season comes.

But if where you live winder is dominant than the sunny seasons, you may as well take precautions, else your chickens may not survive the cold that long.
  1. The wattle and comb of chickens could suffer frostbite; so, every other day, rub some petroleum jelly or a moisturizer on them.
  2. Watch their water supply. Water can freeze during winters and you'd be leaving them without any source of water. Don't let your chicken consume water with impurities; always let them drink from clean and fresh water. One way to let the water stay liquid is to bring out the water heater. Another is to bring the waterer inside your house, afterwards, bring it back come morning.
Raising Chickens Come Summer
If you live in an area where it's hot most of the year, then you chickens are vulnerable to high heat and its dangers. Like dehydration. So it's natural to watch it so they don't run out of water, that they always have access to some, and clean water at that. You also must provide a structure where you chickens can get some shade.

When heat waves come, your chickens lay fewer eggs. When this happens, that's a sign your chickens feel stressed because of the heat. Once the heat goes down, they will lay eggs as they normally do.

When things go bad, you'd have to watch your chickens' closely. Did one catch a cold, is another acting odd? You'd have to isolate that one chicken with some symptoms, else you'd let the disease fan out and spread. Raising chickens isn't easy. You'd have to keep an eye open, but it can be done.

You'd also have to contact your vet, and inform him how your chickens are acting, or reaction. Inform your vet if your chickens have:
  • mites;
  • sneezing & teary eyes;
  • unable to mingle with the rest of the flock;
  • lost appetite;
  • blood or worms in their droppings, or if they droppings are white.
You must inform your vet what you saw so he can provide the right solutions to your chickens' problems. The foregoing has been about raising chickens during hot and cold weather. Preparation and a watchful eye, as you may have noticed, go a long way.


Raising Chickens When They Are Young

When the chicks grow a little older they do not need too much of looking after and raising chickens at this stage becomes a little easier. They have to be cared for but it becomes much easier as they are not as fragile as when they were small.

Raising Chickens When They Are Young

The ways in which you look after a freshly hatched chicken is a little different to how you should take care of chicken which are from 2 weeks to one month in age. The chicks are much bigger and you can see feather growing on their body. Some of these chicks can be bought from the hatcheries also.

Water, food comfort and even heat are still very important for these baby chicks. As a matter of fact you will have to provide these things to the chicken even if they become very old and are ready to lay eggs.

All the requirements which are needed by the chicken continue to be important even when they are fully grown. When they are older their wants also increase. They will need more space, food and water to sustain themselves. With the increase in their size all their requirements increase and you should be well prepared to take care of these things while raising chickens.

You have to be cautious when raising chicken as their requirements change with age. When they are very small you have to be more careful with the water which is given to them for drinking. It is a good idea to boil the water as an upset stomach will adversely affect the health of small chicks. As they grow older they are able to digest any water, but be sure to provide them with clean and fresh water. In case you are not very sure of the quality of water you can boil the water before feeding them.

The chicks become very active by this time and you will have to keep a stable container near the chicks which will not trip and is stable so that the water does not spill. You can utilize a small pot or a plastic container in which the water can be filled. A number of practical water containers can be bought in the agricultural stores which are very convenient to use for young chicks.

You can feed them with baby chicken food, but it will be better to add some variation in their food like mashed potato. It is a fact that chicks do not like eating peels of potato but they enjoy the soft inner part when it is mashed. Raising chicken also needs some innovative ideas and you can give different kind of vegetables like cabbage, lettuce leaves and grass to the chicken. You can provide the young chicks with insects as they love it.


Facts On Feeding And Raising Chickens

Raising chickens is not a very big problem as far as feeding them is concerned. Chickens eat almost everything; it may be vegetables meat or insects. Try feeding them with dog food and they will peck it with a lot of enthusiasm and there will be no difference if you give them pig food also. The fact is that the chickens clean the garbage scrap. Insects, worm, or any other being which is more susceptible than they are can be consumed by the chicken. You do not have to worry too much about feeding chickens and they are easy to raise in your backyard. You only have to be careful about feeding them, the required amount of vitamins and giving them the boosters.

Facts On Feeding And Raising Chickens

Chickens can be brought up on grains or they can be given leftover food and various vegetable peelings. The fact is that raising chickens will not be tough if you can feed them with the scraps and bits and pieces. We may not realize but chicken are smart enough and they are well aware when their lunch bucket is ready.

There are numerous ways to feed them when you are raising chickens. The feed can be kept in a large container if it is possible, depending on the number of chicken to be fed. There is no concern about wasting food even if you scatter it around the place as the chicken are sure to peck every morsel of grain on the ground. Chicken also have a taste for small pieces of meat and bones and they can be given that also.

Calcium is an important part of the chicken's diet when it comes to laying eggs, so you have to be careful about including that in their feed when you are raising chicken. You can add crushed clam shells in the food which is given to the chicken when the when laying season approaches. Make sure that you do not give whole clam shells as they can be mistaken for chicken eggs. It is possible to get clam shells in the neighboring feed stores, remember to crush them properly before feeding the chicken.

Grains, pellets, feed and corn are the best food for the chicken. It is all right to feed them with vegetables, fruits and meat also. It is important to monitor the food which is given to the chicken as some items can be unhealthy and even harmful for the birds. It can also be fatal for the chicken if they consume food which is not suitable for them.

There are a few reasons why chickens should not be fed with certain kind of food. The chicken should not be given chicken for their meals. It is like you eating your neighbors' thigh. On the other hand the chickens do not realize that they are being fed with chicken. It is all right to give them chicken bones sometimes when you are raising chickens. It can lead to grave consequences like encephalopathy, if they are fed with a lot of chicken meat.


Friday, November 8, 2019

Chicken Coop Designs

Get the Best Chicken Coop Designs
There are some free chicken coop designs and plans floating around the internet, you may spend some time trying to find them, only to discover that these free drawings are useless.

Chicken Coop Designs

The fact is that most of these designs and plans are ineffective and usually take you to the cheapest route, without proper illustrations and details, and without order. Such plans can cause a disaster for your chickens and end up costing you much more money for fixing or replacing a wrong-built coop.

The Difference Between a Good Chicken Coop Designs to Those You Should be Careful of
  1. Easy Cleaning and Maintenance
  2. Your chicken coop should always allow easy cleaning and maintenance. Most free chicken coop blueprints and designs fail to include proper cleaning elements, details and realted drawings, they simply ignore that.

    A good design should include reference to drainage, that allows your hand to reach out into various areas inside the coop for cleaning and maintenance.
  3. Adequate Lighting
  4. A good chicken coop design will allow you to add an electric light source in your coop. It could be a simple normal light or fluorescent bulbs, the chicken coop plans should detail all that. The light allows you to see your chickens in the dark if you need and also add warm in a cold season.
  5. Quality Construction Materials
  6. Don't get cheap! a good chicken coop blueprint will instruct you to purchase quality wood and materials, but a free drawing will never get into the material details. Quality designs and plans should guide you, step by step, as to which materials you should use in order to build a long lasting and strong chicken coop. Wire mesh for example is a material you should not skimp on. You don't want a predator to chew through your small wire mesh, and getting into the coop...
Chicken Coop Designs - Beautiful or Ugly Coop

The coop's appearance will be effected by:
  • The materials you use (good quality materials last longer).
  • The colors you decide to get to paint the coop (external painting is sufficient).
  • Chicken Coop designs - the better quality they are the better looking is the end result.
The looks of the coop can be misleading. A good looking coop that can't protect the chickens of is not built for proper cleaning spells disaster to your chickens.

If you want to make a chicken coop that is both safe and looks attractive, get the best chicken coop designs and blueprints, these take into account all the requirements together with beautiful coop models and designs.

There are many additional points you must consider when you are using chicken coop designs, use only designs that come from a reliable source - and that come with a guide.


Backyard Chicken Coop

Building a Backyard Chicken Coop
As you already know, raising chickens has so many benefits such as family joint work, fresh organic eggs and natural fertilization for your land or garden. In order to give your chickens the best possible house to live in, you will want to build a backyard chicken coop for your chickens.

Backyard Chicken Coop

A chicken coop is where your chickens will spend their days and nights and lay eggs. It's the place where they are kept safe from their cruel enemies... You can always buy a pre-built hens house. If you are tight with time - but have extra money to spend, you may choose that choice. Most people find most cost-effective to build their own chicken coop.

Remember, building your own backyanrd chicken coop, is not a difficult task. Actually it's easy and fun even for the regular house owner. Before you begin, you will need an inventory of supplies including materials and working tool and make sure you have everything that is needed to make the chicken coop. A good plan will show you anything you need and how to build the coop.

Backyard Chicken Coop Essentials
The most important decision when picking the plan is choosing the size of the flock. You should think about the number of chicken you will have a year from now, and if your flock is still young, take into consideration how big they will be when they are fully-grown (healthy fat chicken can get really big!).

More things to think about:
  • The amount of nests you're planning to have.
  • The number of feeders, their location in the coop - and the space volume they will occupy.
  • The location of the water feeders and how many of these you need.
  • The number of windows and their location that are required to provide proper sunlight and air.
After you have figured out the size of the coop and how you need it to look like, think about it's location. For a start, consider the kind of land under the coop. Rocky, hilly ground is definitely out of question, you need solid flat ground. Direct sunlight is also highly important, and also the need to be safe from threats such as cold or too warm wheatear and predators. Start with a larger space than you need, it's always better to add some extras so that you will have enough space, now - or in the future when you decide to enlarge to coop.

Backyard Chicken Coop Plans
When you have the essentials worked out, you can start with the chicken coop designing & planning. Begin with your chosen drawing showing the coop you want. Don’t forget to include the windows, feeders, nests and other details shown in the blueprint, it's there for a reason. With the plans in hand, you can start shopping for supplies.

You will usually need the following basic inventory and tools:
  • Wood pieces (such as basic measuring 2′ X 4′, if that's in the plan).
  • Few cinder blocks made from concrete, usually used as stands for the coop.
  • Chicken wire for the coop and for the chicken run.
  • Insulation.
  • Nails and screws, a hammer and a saw.
  • Other items needed to fulfill your plan.
Simple, right?

Finally, when you have everything ready, you can start building your backyard chicken coop! You have everything you need, great plans in place plus the required supplies, and nothing is holding you back. Be sure to read and plans and blueprints and follow them exactly. Start slowly and put an extra effort to make the coop solid and steady on the ground.

Chicken DIY Guides show you how to build your chosen chicken coop for your backyard. Soon your backyard will be full of happy chickens walking and nesting in their wonderful home.


Small Chicken Coop

How to Build a Small Chicken Coop in Your Backyard
Some people know that they only want few chickens. They would like to raise chicken for the eggs and for fun, but are not interested in more then 5 chickens. Other people simply don't have enough space and have to settle on a small chicken coop. A small backyard chicken coop is a great choice, and its so easy to build. Even your kids, if grown enough, can build a small chicken coop if they get good chicken coop plans, almost without your help. Building a small chicken coop is a great expreiance that also comes with care & responsibility, and you would probably want your kids to poses these qualities.

Small Chicken Coop

Building a Chicken Coop - a Great Family Project!
The best thing is to make it a family project. Anyone gets his own task, and team work brings the results, but in order for all this to work out you need a step by step easy guide followed by simple drawings and blueprints, just like Building a Chicken Coop.

Let your kids join you when you build the chicken coop, it will increase their independence and they will feel proud. Make sure they follow the plan, and keep an eye. Take the more complex tasks or the ones that can be risky like hammering a nail. In 3 days or less you are going to accomplish the family task!

Building a small chicken coop is a kid friendly project that your children would love. Projects like this give children the chance to feel the pride of having accomplished something on their very own and leave great memories...

A small chicken coop can be portable or fixed, it's up to you to decide what you prefer. Sure, like any other coop, don't trust luck, get a good "how to build a chicken coop plans" and follow the steps, your kids would like to raise healthy chicken after the small coop is done, so you need to build a really good coop and learn how to raise chickens.

In the future you can always enlarge the coop, or build a new one, so don't worry, keep the guide as it should come with many designs and plans, you may use it again. Some guides also arrives with offers for adaptations.

Use the Best Chicken Coop Plans
Your only expense is the materials, a small chicken coop you build involves a low expense, but will cost you 10 times that much if you buy a pre-built coop. Building a Chicken Coop plans will show you how you can make a great small coop for less then $100. If you have the extra money you can always buy a pre-built, but then you will miss all the fun...

The next step after the coop stands is to paint it, maybe write on it, and take some pictures. Imagine these pictures few years from now...

Adding chickens, learning how to raise them etc are also a great challenge, and don't be surprised that soon your kids will take the lead. Children are fast learners, and may surprise you with there knowledge. Having achieved this accomplishment, they are now ready for more difficult projects and can handle more responsibility, all thanks to your family project.

You and your children, can feel confident about building your own chicken house using this very easy to read and complete guide. It has many color pictures that take your by the hand through each step of building and maintaining your coop.


Chickens Food

Chickens Can Eat Almost Everything, Even Meat!
Chickens like eating. They will eat almost anything organic. You can give them your dog's food and they’ll peck it. You can actually give them any food and they’ll eat it without hesitation. They are the perfect garbage cleaners and will consume almost any leftovers of food. They will also wipe out every insect, worm, or anything alike. Chickens that can walk around free in the field like any other wild hen don't even need you to feed them. The good thing about raising chickens in your backyard is that it needs no real feeding qualifications, you just need to follow some simple instructions.

Chickens Food

How to Feed Your Chickens
You can feed your chicken in many ways. The common way is to put it in a container in the chicken coop that is big and wide enough to accommodate their number during feeding. This way you can easily see how much they eat, and when you need to refill. Scattering their food is another way and you don't need to worry that it will go to waste and remain scattered - they will eat it all. Chickens likes small pieces of bones and meat, a high protein diet is healthy for your chickens and they will lay more eggs, but do not over do, too much meat can cause your chickens deadly diseases.

Chickens Food

Hens laying eggs needs calcium in their diet. During the period when laying season is on its peak, you can feed your chickens with calcium just by including in their food crushed clam shells. They will even eat crushed eggs shells. Crushed shells are available in your local feed stores.

As chickens will eat almost anything, keep in mind that not all foods are good for them. Some foods can be harmful and some can be deadly. The best foods for your chickens are feeds, pellets, corn and grains, and these can be found at your local feed store, and you can easily find chickens food merchants online. Some fruits and vegetables are also great and can be given out as well. Try to have control on your chickens diet and don't feed them with garbage, as it may include harmful food or non-organic pieces of metal or nylon.

Examples for fruits and vegetables that are not advisable to give to your chickens:
  • Apple: One apple given to 4 chickens is fine, but do it only once a week at max. Too much may cause digestive problems.
  • Peelings of Potato: Most likely your chickens won't touch it. Chickens don’t really like eating roots crops and will do it only when very hungry.
  • Tomato: Chicken will love it but let them have it in small quantities, an excess might affect the chicken’s droppings.
  • Banana: For some unknown reason, chickens don’t like bananas.
You can add to this list hard fruits and vegetables, or anything that is too big to peck, this is why it's recommended that you buy chicken food and serve it as their main food. On top, you may add other things, but try to control it and make it up to 10% of their food at max. Also keep an eye on the quantities; if given in large quantities, whatever the food is, will give their digestive system a hard time, and can even cause them health problems.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

More Chicken Coop Designs

Interesting collection of chicken coop designs gathered from around the world. If you feeling creative and don’t mind building a chicken coop that is sturdy and nice to look at then why not be a little more creative. Just remember that whatever the chicken coop design, ensure that there is adequate safety from predators, plenty of space for the chickens to run around in and adequate warmth and ventilation to keep the chickens happy.

More Chicken Coop Designs

What To Look For In A Chicken Coop Design?
What makes a good chicken coop design? What should you look for in a chicken coop design?
We’ve narrowed it down to four main factors:
  1. Easy to clean — Chicken coops can get quite dirty over time. You want a chicken coop design that will allow for easy maintenance and cleaning. Look for designs that will allow for drainage and run-off as well as a downward sloped floor.
  2. Proper ventilation — Chicken coop designs that incorporate effective ventilation systems will create the ideal environment for your chickens. This may include chicken coop designs that incorporate easy to open doors/sliders/windows.
  3. Adequate lighting — Proper lighting allows the chicken coop to be properly lit, but it also regulates the temperature inside the chicken coop. A fluorescent light may be installed to be used as a heat source.
  4. Sturdy materials — A chicken coop that’s been designed out of sturdy construction materials will ensure your chicken coop lasts for a long time and stays stable through undesirable weather.
More Chicken Coop Designs


Tips on Raising Chickens for Great Benefits

Fun and excitement accompany experience when raising your own livestock. It can be very beneficial too.

Tips on Raising Chickens for Great Benefits

Because of the rise of many innovations today, we forget to refer to what we usually call as basic. Remember that we will not experience great technologies without starting from what is simple. Raising your own livestock for food and profit is a good way to start going back to fundamentals. Fresh meat and eggs can be produced by healthy chickens around the yard. Good health as well as great profit can be very helpful to you and your family.

Shelter is one thing your pets would need. It is to protect them from the bad and changing weather. Free-range chickens are not kept in pens; they run around freely and eat bugs and grass most of the time. This will save you more from purchasing feeds.

There are choices when you decide on raising what kind of chickens to have at home. Bantams are popular for their good meat and as egg layers. It is possible to raise various breeds at the same time. But you must know that having larger ones will cause a greater amount of mess at your yard.

Crowing roosters may not be ideal for areas with a lot of neighbors for they can be very annoying especially when the clock hits 2 a.m; they crow every 15 minutes and continue for the rest of the day. But nonetheless, its feathers can be used as fly tying and be sold for profit. Roosters take about 90 days to mature.

The free-range chickens are a good source of eggs. It can lay eggs almost every week and the eggs produced come in colors such as brown and green. Its eggs are bigger than the usual sized ones. These creatures lay eggs almost everywhere and anywhere they go. So you better look in any possible areas around the house.

Preparation process of acquiring meat from poultry may be a bit harsh for you, so have a butcher do it for you. Good quality meat is usually common from the ones raised in a pen, unlike the lean and stringy meat from free-range chickens.

Your neighborhood may have rules regarding raising livestock at home, so better get to know more prior to purchase. Not only that you benefit for good health, you gain good profit as well from raising your own chickens.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Raise Chickens in The City

There's a growing trend among city dwellers wanting to raise their own chickens. They are discovering the benefits of owning a small flock. This article will discuss the basic steps needed to successfully raise and keep a few chickens in an urban environment.

How to Raise Chickens in The City

What are the benefits of raising hens? For one, they provide a natural method for controlling weeds and bugs. They eat many potentially damaging pests like grasshoppers, fire ants, ticks, and termites. They've even been known to kill and eat scorpions. Other pests like fleas, flies, and lawn grubs are also eliminated by chickens. You can stop using those dangerous chemicals in your yard when you have chickens.

Do you own a garden? Chicken manure, when combined with other organic materials, makes an excellent garden fertilizer. It even outperforms ow or steer manure! Just make sure you mix it with wood chips, sawdust, or some other composting material. Chicken manure is too potent by itself.

Another benefit of raising hens is it provides your children a hands-on learning experience. Chickens are gentle enough to be considered a family pet.

Of course, the main and obvious benefit of raising chickens is the steady flow of quality, fresh eggs. Each hen will lay one egg approximately every 24 hours. Home grown eggs are better than eggs purchased in your local grocer market. Store bought eggs come from farms that might not care what they feed their hens or how they're treated. Don't make the mistake of raising too many hens. Determine how many eggs your family needs plus how many you can give away or sell and limit your flock to that amount.

The first step in starting a small chicken farm is to call your local city hall or go to their website to find what their rules and regulations are regarding raising chickens in the city limits. They will tell you how many hens you're allowed to keep. Most cities ban roosters because they're annoying. You don't need a rooster anyway, so that's no problem.

Once you find out the legalities of having hens, it's time to buy some chicks. Your local feed store should have day-old chicks for sale in the spring. Make sure they have been vaccinated against Marek's disease and Coccidiosis and come from a samonella-tested breeding flock. This will ensure you have a healthy flock.

Chicks are too small to just be tossed out into a chicken coop right off the bat. You may want to keep them in a small pen or box with wood shavings and a heat lamp. It's good to gently handle the chicks periodically to get them used to being around humans. Feed them whatever chick feed the store recommends.

After about 30 days, your chicks will start to become "feathered". You can now move them their permanent home - their coop. Your coop needs nesting boxes where they lay eggs, and roosts, where they sleep. Chickens need about 8-10 square feet each. The coop should be waterproof, have a door large enough for a human to enter, and windows that can be opened for ventilation or closed when the weather turns nasty. You can find a source for good, cheap chicken coops in the author's bio at the end of this article.

A fenced in "yard" connected to the coop is also a necessity. This give the hens an outdoor space that's safe from would-be predators like cats, dogs, or raccoons. Chickens like to run, so give them a place to do this.

How to Raise Chickens in The City

You can expect to start collecting eggs about 4-5 months after you buy your chicks. Once you get to this stage, about the only thing left for you to do is collect eggs, feed the chickens, and clean the coop. Except for these few tasks, chickens are pretty low maintenance.

Small Chicken Coop Plan

Making small chicken coop plans can be a very interesting and not to mention it can be a very rewarding hobby. Read more about how you can get your very own small chicken coop plan.

Small Chicken Coop Plan

A lot of people nowadays are raising “urban chickens” either as pets or for consumption and since the urban residences do not offer a lot of free space, people are building smaller chicken coops as well as making small chicken coop plans. Making small chicken coop plans varies greatly from the wide scale chicken coops in terms of function as well as the overall planning. Nowadays, people are making small chicken coops for the purpose of decoration as well as in order to add appeal to their house environment. Since it has become a fad with some homeowners you will also need to consider this factor. There are new designs which require fewer materials and may allow you to utilize scrap materials. As long as you are not making small chicken coop plans for business, this option is available for you.

First of all, aside from taking into consideration the basic chicken coop plans like the area, location, size, materials, ventilation, flooring and working design, you need to be creative. Design your outer coop creatively and colorfully. Find a design that best accentuates your house as well as your yard. There are a lot of small chicken coop plans and designs available online, some of it is designed amazingly and if you have the time to do it, I really suggest that you browse it and be inspired. Another aspect that you can utilize and adapt in your small chicken coop plan is egg collecting devices that allows the eggs to be dropped down a slide or collected in a side hatch instead of having to collect it through the main door and have your chickens run away.

Another aspect that you need to consider is its environment. Since small chicken coops are utilized at residences and not on farms, make sure that it will not become hazardous for you or your family when you have one installed nearby. The droppings from the chicken, if not disposed of and managed properly, can be a health hazard, cordon off the area so that your little children will not be able to go near without your supervision. Another factor that needs to be thought about is house pets. House pets, whether they may be dogs, cats or large animals may eat your chickens if they are not protected properly. Make sure that the coop is sturdy enough to withstand any attempts from your other pets to break in. This should be an important aspect in your small chicken coop plan.

Small Chicken Coop Plan

Small chicken coop plans can definitely help you in a lot of creative and recreational ways. Be inspired and make one today as your personal hobby. I am sure that it can contribute much to your family’s enjoyment, as well as your houses over all appeal.

Portable Chicken Coops

What’s the importance of portable chicken coops? If there is a need to move your chickens around without having to pack them up in a Rubbermaid container then they can really be useful. For example, if you have a yard that has lots of grass then being able to move the chickens around the entire plot of land can help your grass from overgrowth. Being able to move the chickens around in their enclosure can help keep your grass trimmed since they’ll eat the grass as part of their diet. This results in another benefit. Having your chickens feed on grass is a way to reduce the expense of pre-mixed chicken feed that you would normally buy from the store. You can supplement a diet which includes grain with the grass as a portable chicken coop will permit your chickens to eat the natural grass.

Portable Chicken Coops

One of the important characteristics of a good portable chicken coop is being able to move the chickens in and out of it without difficulty. In addition, there should be space to put food and water. Just because it’s portable doesn’t mean space should be constricted. Another important aspect of portable chicken coops is the ability to transport them. Portable means the ability to move so they should include some form of transport system. Wheels are the typical solution for this. They should be the appropriate size so as not to be overwhelmed by the weight of the coop.

You can build your own chicken coop. The portable aspect of it shouldn’t detract from the idea of a regular chicken coop design. This is to ensure that your chickens are healthy and happy so that they will produce good quantities of eggs. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure this.
  1. They should have sufficient living space. Each chicken should have a minimum of 4 square feet of room in the coop an 10 square feet of room outside in an enclosed chicken run.
  2. The construction of the coop should take into consideration the need for proper air circulation so the birds are comfortable. Having windows can achieve this. They will allow stale air filled with off-gas and excrement to escape instead of poisoning the air and ultimately the chickens themselves.
  3. Ensure the coop is safe from predators. The walls should be made out of solid wood. Wiring is a great way to stop predators from getting in so it should serve as a fence as opposed to the walls of the coop.
Portable Chicken Coops

To make the coop portable, you can add wheels and a long handle, somewhat resembling a hand cart. This makes moving the coop simple without it running away when it’s supposed to be stationary. A major issue about a portable chicken coop is that it makes it hard to keep predators out. This is especially the case when it comes to the chicken-run area of the coop because you can’t close-off the bottom of it. You can solve this problem by adding mesh wiring to the base of the coop to keep predators from getting in while still allowing the chickens to feed on the grass.
