Friday, November 15, 2019

Raising Chickens When They Are Young

When the chicks grow a little older they do not need too much of looking after and raising chickens at this stage becomes a little easier. They have to be cared for but it becomes much easier as they are not as fragile as when they were small.

Raising Chickens When They Are Young

The ways in which you look after a freshly hatched chicken is a little different to how you should take care of chicken which are from 2 weeks to one month in age. The chicks are much bigger and you can see feather growing on their body. Some of these chicks can be bought from the hatcheries also.

Water, food comfort and even heat are still very important for these baby chicks. As a matter of fact you will have to provide these things to the chicken even if they become very old and are ready to lay eggs.

All the requirements which are needed by the chicken continue to be important even when they are fully grown. When they are older their wants also increase. They will need more space, food and water to sustain themselves. With the increase in their size all their requirements increase and you should be well prepared to take care of these things while raising chickens.

You have to be cautious when raising chicken as their requirements change with age. When they are very small you have to be more careful with the water which is given to them for drinking. It is a good idea to boil the water as an upset stomach will adversely affect the health of small chicks. As they grow older they are able to digest any water, but be sure to provide them with clean and fresh water. In case you are not very sure of the quality of water you can boil the water before feeding them.

The chicks become very active by this time and you will have to keep a stable container near the chicks which will not trip and is stable so that the water does not spill. You can utilize a small pot or a plastic container in which the water can be filled. A number of practical water containers can be bought in the agricultural stores which are very convenient to use for young chicks.

You can feed them with baby chicken food, but it will be better to add some variation in their food like mashed potato. It is a fact that chicks do not like eating peels of potato but they enjoy the soft inner part when it is mashed. Raising chicken also needs some innovative ideas and you can give different kind of vegetables like cabbage, lettuce leaves and grass to the chicken. You can provide the young chicks with insects as they love it.



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